This is just a quick post to clarify a few items that have come up recently on our support line with respect to Google Spreadsheets.
First, the new Google Sheets feature from Google currently does not have support for the Gdata API (See here). The API (Application Programmer's Interface) is how gFlash gets access to Google Spreadsheet content. If you've upgraded to the new Google Sheets already, you'll need to revert back to the prior version using the steps shown on this page.
Second, gFlash currently does not have support for the Google two-step authentication. We will be adding this support in the next major release (likely sometime this summer).
If you have other questions about this or other gFlash issues, please contact us via our support email.
Update: Google Sheets does support the Gdata API now, and the current version of gFlash also supports the Google two-step authentication!